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Whois services provide access to data on registered domain names, which currently includes information for domain name, DNS, and registered name holders. CNNIC maintains a WHOIS Look-up system which permits queries to the national domain names,including English domains with .CN and Chinese domains with .cn or.中国(.中國)extensions. Domain Name: the Domain Name that you queried. Punycode Domain Name:encoding labels of Chinese Domain name into punycode domain. ROID: the domain name registration identification code. Domain Status: please see Domain Name Status for details. Registrant ID: the Information Number of any individual or entity who applied for the domain name. Registrant: the Registrant Name of any individual or entity who applied for the domain name. Registrant Contact Email: the email filled out by the domain name applicant when he/she applied for the domain name. Sponsoring Registrar: the organization who deals with the domain name application process. Name Server: the domain name server which is used to provide the DNS Resolution service for the corresponded domain name, to provide the DNS resolution service to the corresponded website. Registration Time: the official time which the domain name was registered into system. Expiration Time: the expired time of the domain name. DNSSEC:DNSSEC signing or not. Domain Name Explanation: The status beginning with 'client' indicates the status was set up by the registrar; The status beginning with 'server' indicates the status was set up by CNNIC; Other statuses are managed by the system server of domain name registration; Domain Name Status Interpretation: ok: Normal status inactive: Inactive status (The domain name server were not set up in registration, the domain name can't be resolved) clientDeleteProhibited: Deletion prohibited serverDeleteProhibited: Deletion prohibited clientUpdateProhibited: Modification prohibited serverUpdateProhibited: Modification prohibited clientTransferProhibited: Transfer prohibited serverTransferProhibited: Transfer prohibited clientRenewProhibited: Renew prohibited serverRenewProhibited: Renew prohibited clientHold: Domain suspended serverHold: Domain suspended PendingCreate: A request to create domain is being processed PendingDelete:In the process of deletion PendingRenew:In the process of renewal PendingTransfer: In the process of transfer pendingVerification: Registration Information is in the process of verification Out of extension, please query through http://whois.nic.公司. Domain names ends with .公司/.网络/.網絡 can be queried by the given address.CNNIC domain name WHOIS search scope includes English domain names ends with '.cn' and Chinese domain names ends with '.cn.中国(.中國)'. Out of registry, please input valid domain name. The queried domain name is not managed by CNNIC. For instance, input the domain name ends with '.com' or '.net'. CNNIC domain name WHOIS search scope includes English domain names ends with '.cn' and Chinese domain names ends with '.cn/.中国(. 中國)'. Approved by competent authorities, the domain name you applied for is restricted for registration. According to relevant regulations, the domain name can not be registered online. Please contact domain name registrar. The queried domain name is reserved. According to China Internet Domain Name Regulations, CNNIC protectively reserved domain names related to National and Public interests upon approval of the competent authorities. Instead of registering online, such kind of domain names can only be applied for registration by the corresponding entity with written materials submitted to the registrar. Approved by competent authorities, the domain name you applied for is prohibited for registration. According to relevant regulations, the domain name can not be registered online. Please contact domain name registrar. The domain name is prohibited for registration for National and Public interests involvement. The info does not exist. The queried domain name has not been registered yet. The domain name you queried is in auditing process. The GOV domain name you queried has been registered, but it is still in auditing process. System is busy, please try again later! The WHOIS server is busy. Contact ID: the contact ID that you queried. Contact ROID: the registration identification code of the contact. Contact organization: the name of organization filled out by the contact. Contact email:the email filled out by the contact. Contact Status: please refer to Domain Name Contact Status. Contact type: the type contact selected when register domain name(E:entity; I:individual). Current Registrar: the current registrar who has the management authority of contact ID. Contact Registration Time: the official time which the domain name was registered into system. Contact Status Explanation: The Status beginning with 'client' indicates the status was set up by the registrar; The Status beginning with 'server' indicates the status was set up by CNNIC; Other statuses are managed by the system server of domain name registration; Contact Status Interpretation: OK: Normal status LINKED: Existed domain name of Associative Relationship pendingCreate: A request to create domain is being processed pendingTransfer: In the process of transfer pendingUpdate: In the process of updating information clientDeleteProhibited: Deletion prohibited serverDeleteProhibited: Deletion prohibited clientUpdateProhibited: Modification prohibited serverUpdateProhibited: Modification prohibited clientTransferProhibited: Transfer prohibited serverTransferProhibited: Transfer prohibited Name Server ID:the ID number of name server. Name Server: the domain name server that you queried. IP Addresses Associated: the IP address of the domain name server. Host Status: please see Domain Name Host Status for details. Sponsoring Registrar: Domain name server provider. Creation Registrar: the registrar who created domain name server. Name Server Registration Time: the official time which the domain name server was registered into system. Host Status Explanation: The Status beginning with 'client' indicates the status was set up by the registrar; The Status beginning with 'server' indicates the status was set up by CNNIC; Other statuses are managed by the system server of domain name registration; Host Status Interpretation: OK: Standard status LINKED: Associated domain name existed pendingTransfer: In the process of transfer clientDeleteProhibited: Deletion prohibited serverDeleteProhibited:Deletion prohibited clientUpdateProhibited:Modification prohibited serverUpdateProhibited:Modification prohibited |
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